Eczema Answered: “If cortisol triggers eczema, how does cortisone work as an eczema treatment?” — Dr. Peter Lio

One hand squeezing ointment medication onto a rash on the other hand's thumb
Eczema Out Loud

By National Eczema Association

Published On: May 15, 2023

Last Updated On: Sep 18, 2023

You ask, they answer. From the National Eczema Association, this is Eczema Answered, where wold-class experts answer your question about eczema.

This episode of Eczema Answered was created in partnership with ⁠EczemaWise⁠.

Here’s what you asked: “If stress and cortisol trigger eczema, how does cortisone work as an eczema treatment? Am I misunderstanding that cortisone is the manmade version of cortisol?”

Dr. Lio is a board certified dermatologist and a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. He is Assistant Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Pediatrics Dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and founding director of Chicago Integrative Eczema Center. Dr. Lio is a member of NEA’s Board of Directors and is a member emeritus of NEA’s Scientific and Medical Advisory Council.

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