EAM '19 Week 3 - #TheRealHeroesofEczema

October is Eczema Awareness Month. This year, in addition to our #unhideECZEMA campaign, we are focusing on #therealeczema. The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and illuminate eczema’s true impacts.

Week 3: #TheRealHeroesofEczema

Learn • Share • Connect

Learn about the real heroes of the eczema community.

Share stats and stories that matter to you and your community.

Connect with resources, support, and eczema warriors.

#TheRealHeroesofEczema: Articles and webcasts

Eczema facts

Article: A dermatologist describes the future of eczema care

Article: The itch to write

Article: Go, Ella, Go!

Article: “Regular Joe Schmo” makes miraculous eczema recovery

Article: Beneath the Surface: Parenting a Child with Eczema

Article: When life with eczema becomes the new “normal”

Article: Why I became an eczema advocate

Article: Ryland rallies for medical research

Register for upcoming webinar: The Cure

Webinar: Unhide Eczema: Storytelling for healing

#TheRealHeroesofEczema: Graphics

Click image for full-size downloadable version.


#TheRealHeroesofEczema: Resources

Patient fact sheets – Learn eczema care essentials

Eczema Provider Finder- Find an eczema expert near you

Eczema Product Directory – View products with NEA’s Seal of Acceptance™

Page: Clinical Trials

Article: Who’s looking out for you? Eczema & Self-Advocacy


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