Understanding AD from a teen’s perspective

Understand AD

By National Eczema Association

Published On: Sep 18, 2019

Last Updated On: Nov 1, 2022

There is a misperception that atopic dermatitis (AD) – a serious and chronic form of eczema – is “just” a childhood skin condition that families can deal with on their own and usually outgrow.

But in reality, it is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that can have a huge impact on people’s lives. That is why National Eczema Association is proud to partner with Sanofi and Regeneron on the Understand AD campaign.

Understand AD: A Day in the Life launched in 2017 to empower and give a voice to people living with this disease. The program included resources and a video written and narrated by Peter Moffat, award-winning screen writer for “The Night Of”, who has lived with severe AD for most of his life.

The Understand AD Squad program is the next phase of this initiative, shining a light on the everyday burdens that teens with moderate-to-severe AD and their caregivers face managing the disease, and ways to navigate these struggles.

There are approximately 400,000 adolescents in the U.S. with uncontrolled, moderate-to-severe AD.

For teens with moderate-to-severe AD and their caregivers, the transition to adulthood can be difficult. Social factors can have an emotional impact, and parents don’t always know how to best engage with their teen about their AD.

The program brings together a team of experts—a dermatologist, a psychotherapist and an adult AD patient peer who has lived with AD for most of his life—to talk to a teen with AD, 17-year-old Isaiah, and his parents, Reggie and Lori.

Each of the experts on the squad teamed up with the Dixons to tackle a different aspect of life with eczema with the goal to support the family as Isaiah embarks on the transition from high school to college all while managing his severe AD. The experience is shared through a series of videos on UnderstandAD.com.

“My family is sharing our story with the Understand AD Squad in hopes that we could help others with the disease and shed light into what it’s like living with severe AD, especially during their teenage years,” Isaiah said.

To learn more about moderate-to-severe AD, watch the Understand AD Squad films and download helpful resources for teens managing AD, and their caregivers visit UnderstandAD.com.


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