Visual Guide Glossary of Terms

antecubital fossathe ‘elbow pit’; the triangular area on the anterior side of upper arm and forearm
crusta ‘scab’; a formation of dried serum (serous), blood (hemorraghic) or pus on the surface of the skin
Dennie-Morgan foldsa fold or line in the skin below the lower eyelid; often occurs in individuals with allergies or atopic dermatitis
dorsal/ventralmeans on the upper surface or back of a body part
eczema herpeticuma skin infection caused by herpes simplex virus
erosionsa sore due to the superficial or partial destruction of surface tissue such as the skin
erythematous; erythemared skin due to an increased blood supply
erythrodermaredness affecting at least 90% of the skin surface
excoriationsa loss of the epidermis and a portion of the dermis due to scratching or an exogenous injury. It may be linear or punctate
fissurea split or crack in the skin
follicularlocated within or around hair follicles
furunclea boil
glabellarthe skin of the forehead between the eyebrows and above the nose
hyperkeratoticthickening of the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin
hyperlinear (palms)thickening of the skin on the palms and soles with an increase in the number of lines in the skin
hyperpigmentation/hypopigmentationdarkened skin compared to normal; skin colour that is paler than normal
keratosis pilarisdry, rough patches and tiny bumps, often on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks or buttocks. The bumps usually don’t hurt or itch
lichenificationcaused by chronic rubbing, which results in palpably thickened skin with increased skin markings
macerationmoist peeling skin
oral commissurethe corner(s) of the mouth where the lips meet the skin
papuleselevated, solid, palpable lesion that is ≤ 1 cm in diameter. They may be solitary or multiple
papulo-vesiclesa small blister. It is a circumscribed lesion ≤ 1 cm in diameter that contains liquid (clear, serous or haemorrhagic). They may be single or multiple
periocularrelating to, occurring in, or being the tissues surrounding or lining the orbit of the eye
plaquesa circumscribed, palpable lesion more than 1 cm in diameter; most plaques are elevated. Plaques may result from a coalescence of papules. Most plaques are elevated, but a plaque can also be a thickened area without being visibly raised above the skin surface. They may have well-defined or ill-defined borders
popliteal fossathe ‘knee pit’; the diamond-shaped space behind the knee joint between the thigh and the calf
prurigo papulePrimary prurigo lesions are dome-shaped papules.
Secondary prurigo lesions are scratched papules, scaly lesions, or thickened, darkly pigmented areas (lichen simplex or neurodermatitis). Scratching may lead to scarring.
scalean increase in the dead cells on the surface of the skin
violaceousdescribing a violet or purple hue

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