How Focusing on Mental Health Helps This Newlywed Handle Her…
Madalyn Meagher Hamm refuses to allow eczema to control her life, but she admits some days are rough. She wants others to know it’s OK for both emotions to exist.
Published On: Feb 15, 2018
Last Updated On: Jul 15, 2021
In September 2017, NEA launched its advocacy program, Raise Your Voice! Throughout the fall of 2017, we asked our community to email their representatives to let them know that eczema is important to them.
Hundreds of emails were sent across the United States to representatives at the federal and state levels. By raising awareness of eczema as a serious public health issue, we empower the community and advance policy issues impacting access to care and research funding.
NEA supports initiatives that increase the amount of government funding for eczema research and opposes initiatives that place barriers between patients and the treatments prescribed to them by their doctors, such as irrational step therapy and prior authorization guidelines, high out-of-pocket costs, and restricted or limited networks of providers. For a full list of NEA’s policy positions, please visit
In addition to taking a stand on policy issues that affect access to treatment and funding for research, our advocates are also raising awareness by having their state declare October as Eczema Awareness Month.
Thanks to advocates participating in the Raise Your Voice campaign, legislators in seven states have already been asked to carry resolutions declaring October 2018 as Eczema Awareness Month. Legislators in Tennessee, Georgia, and Illinois have already graciously agreed. Advocates in California, New York, Michigan, and Louisiana have been in contact with their legislators and are actively working to have resolutions introduced.
Advocate Kelly Barta has already met with her representatives in her home state of Georgia where October 2018 has been declared Eczema Awareness Month. Kelly is continuing her work to raise her voice for people with eczema by testifying in support of step therapy legislation in Georgia. Advocates Cara Ellis in Tennessee and Lindsay Swire Jones in Illinois have also worked with their elected representatives to have October declared Eczema Awareness month in their states.
Millions of Americans have eczema. Millions of Americans cope with this painful, unpredictable disease that starts with the immune system and ends with itchy, red, rashy skin. Millions of Americans with eczema spend their days beating back flares and avoiding triggers, trying to reduce the impact of this disease on every part of their lives, wanting relief.
Are you or someone you love one of the millions?
Health is a human right. Raise your voice to support people with eczema! Ask your representatives to declare October Eczema Awareness Month in your state!