Under the Microscope: Eczema and Emotional Issues in Children
The National Eczema Association funds Dr. Joy Wan’s research on mental health problems in children with atopic dermatitis.
Published On: Nov 25, 2019
Last Updated On: Sep 10, 2024
My daughter Chayse has had eczema since she was a baby. This disease has impacted us more than anything else in her 6-year-old life.
I remember many times sitting in my living room late at night staring at the computer screen trying to find anything that could help us. I finally discovered the National Eczema Association (NEA) on social media. I went right to the website — I was blown away by all the resources. I didn’t have to search and try to figure out what to do for my daughter all alone anymore. Here was this amazing organization that could provide us with all the reliable information we could possibly need.
My family’s life before NEA was so lonely. I remember what it was like to have this little baby that’s clawing at herself like crazy because of her skin. As a new parent, I was isolated, confused and so worried.
Our lives are completely different today because of NEA. I’m constantly on the website, where I know I can find trustworthy information about whatever we need to care for Chayse. I love reading about the new studies coming out and what the experts are saying. It’s taken away the struggle for me as a parent. I’m empowered now.
When I first tried to get help for my baby’s eczema and scratching, I started with her pediatrician and got the runaround. In fact, I was told it was “just baby acne” and would go away on its own.
NEA helped me change the conversation and advocate for the best possible care. Now when I go to the doctor, I bring all the information I read on NEA’s website, learn from the webinars and hear at the conferences. There is so much helpful information about skincare techniques, the latest eczema research, updates on clinical trials and stories about the real-life experiences of families like ours.
Working as a special education coordinator, I explain to other parents and teachers what my daughter Chayse and other kids with eczema are going through. I share with other families. I speak in front of government officials with NEA — letting the decision-makers know the real impact that eczema has on our lives. I speak out for what we need.
Life without NEA is not a life I want to know. I could only imagine the suffering my daughter would still be going through, not to mention the emotional burden my family and I would still have to bear alone.
NEA is here for us day in and day out. I will do whatever I can to ensure NEA can continue to be our go-to source of support. Will you join me and make a donation to NEA’s education, advocacy and research work today? We can’t do it without you.
Kacey Davis Jenkins is a special education coordinator and eczema parent living in Texarkana, Arkansas