NEA Magazine — Winter 2025
In this issue of NEA Magazine, we look at how to identify and treat contact dermatitis, how phototherapy works and marine algae for eczema.
Published On: May 21, 2021
Last Updated On: May 21, 2021
It’s here! Our spring issue of NEA Magazine has arrived. We have a brand new design, new content categories and new original artwork from our eczema community.
On page 8, Jodi Johnson, PhD, explains how biologics have revolutionized the field of eczema research. In addition to dupilumab, we give all the scientific background on the next wave of biologics coming soon, including three new treatments nearing FDA-approval.
On page 17, we feature NEA Ambassador Alex Dawkins and her story of perseverance in achieving her dream. Alex had always wanted to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces but faced unexpected challenges because of her eczema. Nevertheless, she persisted and ships out with the U.S. Navy in just a few weeks.
On page 22, Angeline Fowler shares her story about the importance of prioritizing mental health while managing your eczema. On page 29, we highlighted some key findings from NEA’s Out of Pocket Survey, including how much money Americans spend on eczema treatment every month, the percentage of people with eczema also living with depression/anxiety and the number of people with out of pocket costs NOT covered by their insurance.
We’re thrilled to feature original artwork and photography on page 24 in our new NEA Artists feature. Brigid Jurgens’ painting, “My Eczema Self Portrait,” is featured on our cover. You can also see original art from Becky Lewis, Marcela Alatorre-Shirazi, and NEA Ambassador Mike Chavez. And if you live with eczema, too, please consider submitting your own original artwork for our next magazine to:
Lastly, as the Covid-19 pandemic continues, we turned to three of our NEA medical ecz-perts for their advice on how to get the Covid-19 vaccine if you live with eczema. Can you get it while flaring? Can you still follow your regular treatment regimen? Our questions and answers appear on page 19 and will be expanded online as new information becomes available.
Thanks for reading! And let us know if you have any feedback. We’re also eager to hear from our community and welcome any suggestions you have for future magazine stories.