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Signs It’s Time to Talk to Your Dermatologist About Your…

Disclosure Notice: Insights for this article have been provided by Dr. Peter Lio, who has experience as a dermatologist treating patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. He is a paid consultant of Pfizer. The unrelenting itch from…

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See How Helen Stood Up to Uncontrolled Itch & Rash

“My skin was my prison…the itch was torturous.” That’s what real-life eczema fighter Helen once said about her itch and rash. Relatable? If any of the below are true, it could be a sign your…

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Learn About a Treatment Option for Mild to Moderate Atopic…

The immune system is our body’s defense against germs in the environment that could make us ill. But, for the more than 21 million people living with atopic dermatitis (AD), over-activity of the immune system can have a harmful effect on proteins in the body responsible for keeping skin healthy. This can result in itchy skin, dry and scaly patches, and red lesions on the body.

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