Seal of Acceptance™ Clinical Testing Requirements
The Seal’s Scientific Oversight Committee has set guidelines to determine if a product is suitable for the Seal. In order to obtain the Seal, products must undergo and pass the required clinical safety tests. The requirements are outlined below.
Testing requirements
The following tests are acceptable to submit in order to apply for the Seal. At least one of these tests must be submitted for each product:
- Human Repeat Insult Patch Test (HRIPT)
- Cumulative Irritancy Test (CIT)
- Safety in Use (SIU)
If the clinical safety test does not meet Seal requirements, the product is not eligible to apply for the Seal.
Testing guidelines:
- All testing data must have the Fitzpatrick Skin Type or similar submitted with the testing data that shows different skin types, varying gender and age stratification from 18 years old and up.
- It is acceptable for the testing site to be outside of the United States as long as the requirements are met.
- Product testing on animals is not accepted.
- Exfoliators and scrubs are not permitted to apply for the Seal.
- Toners can apply, but only a “Safety in Use” test will be accepted for the review of a toner.
- NEA does not endorse or have a relationship with any clinical safety testing company.

Clinical safety testing results should be submitted to NEA here.
Download a PDF of the clinical testing requirements.