Impact Research Grant


This multiple researcher award provides funding support for collaborative research projects to conduct multi-institution innovative eczema research. Eczema is a complex disease – cross-talk among researchers with differing expertise can yield unique and broader scientific insights.

Data from this award can then be used to seek additional, larger-scale funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other funding entities to build on these discoveries. 

Proposals should address at least one of the following research priorities:

  • Cutting Edge Basic & Translational Science*
  • Eczema Heterogeneity: Novel Insights
  • Innovations in Clinical Practice & Care
  • Understanding & Alleviating Disease Burden
  • Eczema Prevention

Number of Awards

This is a 1-year grant with the option to undergo a competitive renewal for a second year of funding. This grant has an expected start date of January 1, 2024. Awards are contingent on the receipt of sufficiently meritorious applications. Additional awards may be available at NEA discretion.


This is a multiple Principal Investigator award. Co-Principal Investigators that are Associate Professors and above that have or have had national-level funding as a principal investigator (or Co-PI) within the past 5 years on an R01 grant or its equivalent (e.g., VA Merit Award, NSF grant, NIH program project or cooperative grant, PCORI grant or similar). Co-Principal investigators must be from different academic/research institutions. Applications with representation of different academic departments is also strongly encouraged.

Previous recipients of NEA Catalyst and Eczema Champion Research Grants, and other NEA Research Grants (2018 and prior) are also eligible to apply provided the following criteria are met:

  • The NEA research grant has been completed and final scientific and financial reports have been received by NEA.
  • At least (1) one peer-reviewed publication has been published or accepted for publication from the NEA-supported research.

Each principal investigator must be personally and actively responsible for the conduct of the proposed research, and eligible to apply for research grants under the guidelines of the applicant’s host institution. The principal investigator need not be a United States citizen and the research need not take place in the United States. The PI team will determine which organization will receive funding and serve as the fiscal agent for the grant.


Applicants may request up to $150,000 (USD; direct costs only). This is a 1-year grant with the option to undergo a competitive renewal for a 2nd year of funding. Indirect costs are not allowed.

Co-PI salary/fringe benefit support should be commensurate with the percent effort dedicated to the project, using the current allowable NIH salary cap.

Additional research staff support should also be commensurate with project percent effort and is unrestricted, except for research fellows which is limited to 50% effort.

How to apply

Review and download the Impact Research Grant application. See the NEA grant conditions of award and frequently asked questions for additional award information and requirements.

Submit completed applications as a single Word or Pdf file to

Completed applications must be received by Monday, July 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. PDT. NO EXCEPTIONS can be made to this deadline.

Award notifications are anticipated after November 30, 2023.

Email with any additional questions on this award or the award process.

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