Turn Your Whys Into Wise with EczemaWise

EczemaWise is NEA’s first-of-its-kind app, designed to save you time and hassle by helping keep a record of your (or your child’s) triggers, symptoms and treatments so you can get back to living. Based on science and input from the eczema community and physicians, EczemaWise can reveal trends and insights that you can share with your doctor to find solutions.

EczemaWise features custom tools to help you and your doctor determine the right care for you, or your child.

  • Save your information in one place—symptoms, triggers, treatments, appointments.
  • Identify what’s most important to you when choosing a therapy.
  • Easily print your health data to share at your next appointment.

Learn more about EczemaWise.

Tracking, or keeping a record of your symptoms and possible triggers, can help you and your doctor better understand your condition and find solutions for you. EczemaWise helps you track the everyday things that cause your skin to flare—whether it’s diet, weather, stress or sleep.

The Google Play and Apple App Store apps are currently available in the US only.

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